Wednesday, March 16, 2016

Blog Post 2- First Lesson 3/16/16

I had my first official lesson with Talia yesterday. I brought 3 books with me that I taught from: a book on chords, a book on basics, and how to teach yourself guitar. We started by tuning both guitars, and then got started on the first lesson: Notes on the G, B, and E strings. I explained how to place your fingers over each fret in the guitar for different notes. The placement and the note names "clicked" with Talia, but when I asked her to play some practice lines in the book, we realized something; she played trombone in middle school band, meaning that she only knows how to read music on the bass clef even though guitar notes are treble. This lead to some confusion, but I know that as we continue to learn more notes, it will become muscle memory for her, and she will know which string to associate with the written note. As of now, I have very high hopes that this will go well. I did not mind going over the sheet music and note names because I really enjoy playing guitar and helping others understand new concepts. Because that is basically what I am doing for my project, I am very excited to continue lessons. As of right now, I believe that I will be on track with my proposed action plan, but if I end up falling off track, I will just double up lessons and get help on catching up on the work.

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