Wednesday, March 9, 2016

Blog Post 1- Introduction 3/8/16

Hello and welcome to my Genius Project blog! On this blog, I will be documenting the progress of my project: "Pursuing Music as a Passion." For this project, I am teaching my friend Talia, a Summit Prep student, how to play the guitar. I am doing this in hopes that the positive effects that come from learning instruments will influence her to continue playing guitar even AFTER my project is over. I am very excited to share my passion with her and with those who view my blog, and I hope that I can encourage you all to also get involved in playing music, as it has many positive effects on overall intelligence, it makes you happier, and it's fun to do. 

My project: 

For my actual project, I will be meeting with Talia every week to teach her music lessons. She was in my middle school's band with me, so I do not need to teach her note names or how to read sheet music. However, I will be starting with simple things such as playing individual strings and basic chords. As we get further into the lessons, we will work on harder chords and begin working on a song, which I will record and present as part of my final product. Along with lessons, I will have my "student" fill out a reflection after each lesson to track her thoughts and feelings towards learning.                     

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