Monday, May 30, 2016

Blog Post 7- Final Post 5/30/16

Today, I have been putting together my video and power point presentation for our Genius Day on Thursday, this means that this is the last post I am making. Overall, I am really satisfied with the way that my project has turned out, but before filming the video, my guitar's A string snapped, so we could not do a song. However, my interview with Talia was very successful because her answers really helped to answer my inquiry questions. If I were to do this project over, I might have had more lessons so that we could have done the song at an earlier time. But, the most important thing is that she learned many different notes and chords to start her off, and she can be able to apply them in her future guitar playing. By learning the basics, she can teach herself new songs and new chords. By taking on the role of a teacher during this project, I have gained insight on different ways to understand the ways that other people understand. Hopefully I can use this throughout my life if I need to teach other people things that I already know.

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