Thursday, April 21, 2016

Blog Post 6, 5th Lesson 4/21/16

Last week, my Tuesday was very boring because I did not get to work with Talia, like I mentioned before. Thankfully, our schedule started back up this week, but I had set back the schedule I created at the beginning of the project. Since the last time I posted, Talia and I worked on more difficult scales so that next week we can start working on a song that needs a variety of different ones. I am frustrated that we had to set our schedule back but I am excited to start working with her again and improve.  I am going to find the song we are going to record for the final presentation so we can practice. I have a yearly subscription a sheet music website called, which has different music for a variety of instruments. There are also many different formats for the setup of the sheet music, because you can show the notes with or without note names and how to play them, which makes it easier to play.  My account already has a few songs that we could play:
Also, Talia got a capo so that she can change the tune of the chords so maybe after the project I can teach her how to use that!!

Thursday, April 14, 2016

Blog Post 5 4th Lesson, 4/14/16

This week, because both Talia and I were busy doing other schoolwork, we did not get to meet up and have a lesson. The bad new is, now we are one week behind in the lesson plan and I will have to double up next time we have a lesson. Hopefully she is using the time to practice. The good news is that I can pick out a song for us to work on when we've done enough lessons. Also, to help convince you how great guitar is, here are some ways that it will make you a happier person:
1. Increases the capacity of your memory
2. Refines your time management and organizational skills
3. Boosts your team schools
4. Teaches you perseverance
5. Enhances your coordination
6. Betters your mathematical ability
7. Improves your reading and comprehension skills
8. Increases your responsibility
9. Exposes you to cultural history
10. Sharpens your concentration
11.Self-expression and stress relief
12. Promotes social skills
13. Boosts your listening skills
14. Elevates your performance skills - less stage fright
15. Enhances respiratory system
16. Promotes overall happiness :)))))
More information is on

Next week I will have to do both the lessons for the week of 4/11 and the week of 4/18